ប្រទេស / តំបន់
Tiktok កំពូល ១០០ ម៉ូត វីដេអូ (កាណាដា)
This is officially my favourite salon in the GTA! #vaughan #vaughanontario #greatertorontoarea #gtanailtech #nailsalon
Don’t mind the mess in the back. I’m cleaning up the painting and I’ll be tearing up the carpets in the next couple days so I can get the new ones installed
#ad J’dois encore apprendre à faire un ✨beau✨ café latté mais avec @EarthsOwn le goût est déjà bon 🤝🏻#pub
Who decides what’s too old to feel confident and sexy? Sexy isn’t about age; it’s about how you carry yourself, how you feel, and the energy you radiate. Confidence is timeless, and I believe everyone deserves to embrace it, no matter their age. #styleinspo #msdongan #outfitinspo #outfit #styletips
#greenscreenvideo i’ll be honest I’ve never had my house cleansed before, but it was a very interesting experience …. I’m not gonna lie. My electricity was acting really funny that night. Don’t know if it was related, but it was definitely scary.
Gotta say the universe works in funny ways, lol.. I didn’t fully realize that the flooring that I had got put in was literally meant for keeping water out, and it actually saved the integrity of my house
#0042 Available now. #austinottone #austinottonedesigns #upcycleddesigner
Join The Halara Circle and help shape the styles you’ll love! The next round runs from Feb 10 to Feb 19. Sign up through the link in my bio and use my code ‘HalaraDongan’ to skip the order history requirement. Try out a product and share your honest feedback! #thehalaracircle @Halara_official