CRYING SCREAMING THROWING UP <3 seriously such a big girl moment for me I have been dreaming of this car for years! Thank you all so much for the support & love to get me here!!!! #newcar #porsche #porschecayanne
wait it's actually kinda sad because I have only ever driven a jeep <3 (but I am also so excited to have something a lot more functional!!!) #newcar #carcleanout #asmr #asmrcleaning
anytime I'm at the airport I need to remind yall PROTEIN OJ!!!! Soooo good, tastes like a dessert, 20g of protein + OJ at airports is so easy to find!!! @Clean Simple Eats #travel #travelhack
you guys I am way in over my head BUT there are 11 NEW DOGS TO THE RESCUE!!! 9 frenchies & 2 English all needing a good home <3 APPLY AT THE WEBSITE IN MY BIO & check out @SSBR Fosters rescue!!! #foster #frenchie #adoptme
warm nuts and ice cream?!?! FIANLLY USING OUR SKYMILES & it was done right 💅✨🫶🏻 stay tuned for Australia content!!! #delta #travel #travelday #freetravel #traveltips #firstclass
brb booking another flight but it's a one way this time WHY IS EVERYTHING SO PERFECT?!?! #newmakeup #makeup #makeuphaul #australianmakeup #mecca #meccabeauty
Protein = bigger booty I DONT MAKE THE RULES (& one of my fav flavors is on sale & my code stacks until the 25th!!) @Clean Simple Eats #protein #proteindrink #clearprotein